Really great game! nice job
Really great game! nice job
so simple and so vicious great work ç.ç BUT it could have controls with w/a/s/d
good to pass the time but after a while it started to piss me off...
Ps:like the music
great game,and i loved the first one too. my favourite part was when we ride the wolf *-*
you should made a game of wolf like the one you did in this game...(but only with wolfs...)
Ps:great game
verry good coupy...good and sutff like that but...WTF I CAN'T DODGE TJE F!@# KNIVES!
half star dude... hard and soooo nice
Ps:need more weapons and MO...this way was too simple...
nice idea for a game...but...need to work more on it dude... just make the worst decision of you're life '0'
Joined on 1/12/12